Join Us

Important: Wakelife meets at 6:00PM on Wednesday nights at the Boat Ramp on Victoria Landing Dr, then we continue back to Wakelife Church at 8:00PM. These times/locations are subject to change depending upon season and/or bad weather.

Follow our Instagram and join the GroupMe Channel for weekly updates!

Boating Waiver

As i'm sure you can imagine boating and water sports do involve risk as with most things in life! We have very experienced leaders and boat captains aboard every vessel but accidents can happen. Due to this we have to ask that anyone participating in boating and watersports with Wakelife Church sign our Waiver. Just click the blue tab below, fill out and e-sign this form, and your good to go! Thank you and we hope you have a blast on the water with us!

***Disclaimer: By participating in any Wakelife Church activity or event you are implying consent for Wakelife Church, volunteers, and leaders to use any photo taken of you on our website, social media, and other marketing materials, publications, sources, etc.

Tips On Wakeboarding ~~~>

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